The man behind the counter is not what you expect to find working at a nursery. He is in his mid to late 50's medium-length gray hair and is wearing a blue baseball cap and dark sunglasses. He's got a war-vet turned biker look with a stern appearance and at first I'm a little hesitant about approaching him for help. Although his steely demeanor is unchanged, once I engage him with questions he turns out to be quite knowledgeable and eager to help. I explain my blog to him and ask for suggestions. First, he tells me, I'll need some potting soil, which he points to but has no intention of helping me carry to the register for check out. I decide I'll just leave it there and I tell him I'll grab it on my way out to my car.
On the drive home I gave the cost of my first purchase some further thought and decide it was definitely too expensive. After all, I was just buying seeds and soil, both of which are freely found in nature. I realize there are costs associated with packaging and distributing these goods, but this seemed excessive. This then got me thinking about food production in general. The average person is so disconnected from food production that we take it for granted. When we walk down to our local supermarket, we simply expect the products we need to be sitting there, waiting for us to purchase them. The convenience of supermarkets is a luxury made possible by the industrial revolution and globalization, but in my opinion, this also resulted in an unfortunate consequence: it has left most of us clueless with regards to the the most basic and universal need for human survival: the ability and knowledge to grow food. With the pace of modern life, our demanding jobs and our obligations to friends and family most people living in cities simply don’t have the time nor desire to consider something as archaic as growing their own food, and I am certainly not suggesting that everyone should grow their own food. However, what I do suggest is that the know-how and ability to grow food (if we choose to do so), should not be completely absent in urban populations. There is an inherent importance and power that comes from self-subsistence that most people don't stop to consider, I certainly didn't until I started this blog. I hope my readers (if any remain after this rant) will come to share this view as they follow me through this learning process. Going back to my initial thought as to whether my first purchase was expensive, I guess that will depend on the success of my garden. If I miraculously manage to teach myself to grow food on my balcony then I think that knowledge alone is worth the $27.86 I spent.
...but then you learn how to save your own seeds and take cuttings ..and you swap them with other gardening friends .... then it becomes cheaper and even more fun ! Gardening people are always nice people ! :)
ReplyDeleteI know you posted this a few years back now , but I just came across it today and wonder if you are still enjoying growing all your lovely flowers and vegetables . I think this is wonderful and I think you've got a natural way with plants . Daisy Debs :)
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